The Road to Success - 他的一生
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The rapid economic growth of Hong Kong in the 60s leads to the growth of a lot of industrialists and investors – a legend from rags to riches overnight. The story depicts the venture of a village boy, KEI, who works with great zeal to improve his life. LIN and MAY are the two most influential characters in KEI's life. LIN, a good friend of KEI, comes from a wealthy family plays an important role in bringing KEI to great success Yet, they later turn to be enemies when the two men fall in love with the same girl, MAY. MAY meets KEI and LIN together in Macau. LIN adores her deeply yet she, on the contrary, is very impressed by KEI's courtesy and handsome look. This triangular love relation adds romance to the original plots making "Road to Success" a more human and appealing story. When KEI's business reaches its peak, he is unfortunately got involved in a scandle when rescuing his friend's son which puts an end to the glamour in his life. In despair, KEI withdraws from the seemingly sophisticated society and lives the rest of his life in solitude.

李恒基(任達華飾),自小喪父,生長於漁村,與少女蘇彩雲(周秀蘭飾)青梅竹馬。偶然機會下,恒基結識了富家子郭英年(林嘉華飾),彼此一見如故。在英年的影響下,恒基決定離開故鄉,到都市闖一番事業。入城之前,他與彩雲成婚,以便母親有彩雲照料。 恒基闖天下,就從經營的士業務開始。得英年相助,生意蒸蒸日上,不久便成小富,即接家人到市區同住。惜好景不常,恒基與英年合資的地產生意失敗,兩人聯袂到澳門散心,不期邂逅淑女章思薇(劉雪華飾),思薇明艷照人,兩人不覺傾心。思薇亦為恒基之俊逸瀟洒風度所吸引。可憐英年不知思薇已對恒基芳心暗許,還一廂情願地暗戀著她。思薇雖可人,但恒基用情專一,明知家有妻室,未敢再言愛意,唯有用理智壓抑感情,以防捲入愛情的漩渦。 六七年香港暴動,時局紛亂,恒基與英年看準時機,合作投資地產買賣,以低價購入樓房地產。暴動結束,樓價暴漲,他們乘時高價出售物業,短短幾年間便躋身巨富行列。另一方面,思薇與恒基共事多年,常籍故親近,表露愛意。恒基終抵不住愛的誘惑,衝破理智的束縛,讓自己愛上思薇。英年卻因此心懷不滿,與叔父合作暗中排斥恒基。 恒基與思薇相戀,內心卻是矛盾重重,他終不忍拋棄髮妻,毅然與思薇分手。英年見有機可乘,再度向思薇展開追求,憑著一片誠意,終於贏得美人歸。可是婚後不久,英年懷疑思薇與恒基藕斷絲連,思薇大為憤怒,提出離婚,適股市大瀉,英年損失慘重,乃隻身離港,逃避一切。 英年走後,思薇與恒基舊情復熾,彩雲亦明白自己非丈夫所愛,欲成全二人。不料忽傳英年死訊,思薇自疚不已,提出與恒基分手。恒基聞訊悵然。