Ultra Protection - 非常保鑣
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PO (Lam Bowie), a sergeant of Organized Crime Bureau, was taken away from his position. He decided to join his friend KIT’s (Cheung Siu Fai, Eddie) security guard company. A millionaire NAM (Tsang Kwong) appreciated PO very much and appointed him to be his son JOE’s (Ma Chun Wai, Steven) bodyguard. The character of PO and JOE was totally different, they could not get along well. However, friendship was gradually built up as time went by. Meanwhile, JOE fell in love with LAM (Wu Qi Li, Elain), daughter of his father’s old friend. On the other hand, LAM had intimate feelings towards PO. KIT’s sister FONG (Chan Miu Ying, Mariane), who admired PO secretly for years realized that. She therefore tried to bring JOE and LAM together by all means. In order to investigate who was the murderer of his wife WAI (Pang Chi Ching), PO deliberately chased after YUK (Cheong Wei Yee, Angie) to get the truth. Unexpectedly, he was in love with her. JOE and NAM were kidnapped. PO knew that these kidnappers were related to WAI’s death. He swore that he had to fight against them. In the utmost danger, PO found that he was being betrayed by somebody…

  雷天寶(林保怡飾)原為O記沙展,因遭警隊革職,毅然加入其好友傅正杰(張兆輝飾)任職的保安公司,更獲超級富豪紀中南(曾江飾)的青睞,任命為其獨子紀彥祖(馬浚偉飾)的貼身保鑣。天寶與彥祖性格迥異,相處並不愉快,後朝夕相對竟建立友誼,成為好友。時彥祖愛上其父世交之女邱若琳(吳綺莉飾),但若琳卻對天寶頗有好感,此事為暗戀天寶多年的正杰妹傅惠芳(陳妙瑛飾)得悉,誤認為天寶與若琳有相戀機會,遂千方百計撮合彥祖和若琳! 另一方面,天寶為追查當年殺死其妻陳家慧(彭子晴飾)的真兇,借意追求江湖女子石小玉(張慧儀飾),不料卻不自覺愛上對方。時中南與長女紀悅寧(郭少芸飾)突被綁架,天寶更獲悉綁匪與家慧之死有關,在公在私,他誓要與綁匪拚到底。就在最危急時,天寶竟發現自己一直被人出賣……