Claustrophobia - 親密
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Love is a virus. It incubates silently. It strikes suddenly. It’s favourite breeding ground is small, crowded, claustrophobic spaces such as an office.

Pearl (Karena Lam), a marketing executive in her twenties, found herself being drawn closer and closer to Tom (Ekin Cheng), her married-with-kids boss. She has been working for him for quite some time and Tom is ever so gentle and kind. Is this love? Pearl ponders. If so, is the feeling mutual? How and when did a normal working relationship gradually evolve into something romantic? What should she do now?

Told in eight scenes retrospectively, the film examines the mysterious blossoming and dying of an elusive affair. The saddest thing about this is: it is such a commonplace happening. In the tiny universe known as office, two powerful forces are at play, politics and romance.