The 38th Hong Kong Film Awards Red Carpet - 第38屆香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮紅地氈盛況
The 38th Hong Kong Film Awards ceremony took place at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre last night, with Anthony Wong of Still Human and Chloe Maayan of Three Husbands being crowned Best Actor and Actress, while Ben Yuen and Kara Wai of Tracey took home Best Supporting Actor and Actress awards. Project Gutenberg, meanwhile, was the biggest winner of the year, winning seven out of 17 nominations, including Best Picture. 

《第38屆香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮》將於2019年4月14日 (星期日) 晚上假香港文化中心隆重舉行。金像獎今年的主題為「Keep Rolling」,寓意香港電影工作者要謹守對電影創作的熱誠,不怕艱苦,迎難而上,繼續「Keep Rolling」,為觀眾展現更多創意和新鮮感。ViuTV 99台及網絡平台於晚上7:30直播頒獎典禮,下午5:00直擊群星走紅地氈盛況。