Goodbye Mr. Black (Cantonese) - 再見黑先生
Based on the original Manhwa/Webtoon “Goodbye Mr. Black.” by Hwang Mi Nawhich was first published in 1983. The comic is motivated by French author Alexandre Dumas’s novel “The Count of Monte Cristo“. 

Cha Ji Won (Lee Jin Wook) is a highly trained Navy SEAL officer who is a member of the special Underwater Demolition Team. When Ji Won’s best friend within the Navy Special Operations Force betrays him, Ji Won is denounced as a traitor and sent to another country. After narrowly escaping many attempts on his life, Ji Won plots his revenge. He enters into a fake marriage with Swan (Moon Chae Won) to secure a new identity and returns to Korea to execute his revenge plan. Will Swan help Ji Won carry out his plan or show him a new avenue for his life?

《Goodbye Mr. Black》改編自同名漫畫,概念來自著名的《基度山恩仇記》,講述男主角車智源被曾經信任過的好朋友背叛,繼而開始復仇計劃的故事。為了隱藏身份,車智源和少女Swan展開浪漫的假結婚生活。