Legal High (Cantonese) - 合法高
Release Date:
Ko Tae-Rim (Jin Goo) is an arrogant lawyer and always makes jokes, but his win rate is 100%. He couldn't imagine himself losing a case, and in his eyes, winning a case was the most important thing.
Meanwhile, Seo Jae-In (Seo Eun-Su) is an energetic newcomer. She wants to help clients trapped in unfair situations. Seo Jae In realized that the lawyers who didn't win were all useless and decided to cooperate with Ko Tae Rim.

改編日劇《Legal High》(律政狂人)。勝訴率達100%的高泰林律師,眼中只有錢又非常毒舌,遇上擁有100%正義感的新人律師徐在仁,二人性格截然不同,吵吵鬧鬧卻又合作無間,展開一連串殺氣騰騰又充滿笑料的故事。